The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration, is the largest mammal migration in the world and one of the Seven New Wonders of the World. It is a true spectacle of nature and impressive to see millions of wildebeest, zebras and gazelle thunder across the endless plains of the Serengeti. The epic river crossing at the Grumeti- and Mara River are the highlight of the wildebeest migration for many travellers. If the wildebeest migration in Serengeti National Park the reason you are coming to Tanzania, it’s important to know where the herds are. The exact timing of the Serengeti wildebeest migration depends upon the rainfall patterns each year. Thanks to our experienced guides we are able to make a fairly accurate prediction.



From December till April the wildebeest migration is in the southern part of the Serengeti, in the Ndutu area. In February half a millions calves are born on these southern plains. You can also see a lot of predators at this time, who are all waiting for the change to get an easy prey. Around April the herds head for the central and western part of the Serengeti, in search of fresh long grass. The rains start and the mating season begins.

In May/June the wildebeest migration head further north and get ready for the dangerous Grumeti River crossing. The survivors continue their journey and have to face another challenge: the Grumeti River full of giant crocodiles.

From July till September you will find the herds around the Mara River. The sights are impressive as well as dramatic around this time. The fast flowing water and crocodiles make this crossing extremely dangerous for the herds. The last 2 years almost two-third of the migration did not cross the Mara River since there was enough fresh grass left in the northern Serengeti.

From October till December the wildebeest migration leaves the North-Serengeti and make their way back to South-Serengeti/Ndutu via the central Seronera region. The annual cycle starts all over again.

You want to witness the Wildebeest Migration? Check our Tanzania Safaris or contact us for a personal advice.